About Us
Hello Pawrents!
My name is Rachael Mensch and I am the proud of owner / operator of Rachael's Rovers!
This little white pup is my dog Charlie. I got Charlie for my 12th birthday and spent countless hours playing with her, taking for walks and teaching her tricks (lots of my friends said she's the smartest dog they know)! Sadly Charlie passed away June 2021.
Much of what Rachael’s Rovers is extends from my experience having Charlie. Growing up planning family vacations or activities heavily depended on whether we could find appropriate Care for Charlie; and as Charlie aged finding her great, and trustworthy Care became more difficult due to her medical concerns.
We didn’t need any dog sitter, we needed a someone that would be dependable, trustworthy and was prepared to match their schedule and routine to Charlie’s - we needed professional and personalized pet Care.
My heart for this business comes from not just being a pet lover, but also wanting to help pet owners and families. Our personalized Care comes from the understanding that each household, family and pet is unique; one size does not fit all - which is why we specialize in personalizing our Care to each pet and home.
Humble Beginnings
In November 2017 Rachael began dog walking professionally part time as a way to pay off student loans. Never did she imagine that by November 2018 she would be taking brave and exciting step of starting her own business! In the years Rachael's Rovers has grown from only Rachael to a team of fellow pet lovers that she is so proud and grateful for.
Rachael’s Rovers has had the pleasure of Caring for over 350+ pet clients - our clients range from eight-week old puppies to 16 year old dogs; we’ve also Cared for other pets such as cats, guinea pigs, bunnies, rodents, fish and lizards. We've met energetic healthy pets, but also pets who are injured, suffer from epilepsy, are deaf / blind, or need daily / hourly medications.
This broad spectrum of clients has made us confident as well as knowledgable. Our trusted and exceptional service was recognized city wide first in 2022 when we placed Gold, and again in 2023 when we were voted Best Pet Sitter by the Community Votes Saskatoon Campaign.
Rachael’s Rovers is especially proud to share that up to this date we’ve been vet visit free! Our team is gentle, loving, kind but most importantly reliable and trustworthy. We look after every dog as if they were our own, and find so much joy in every visit.
We understand how hard it is finding someone you can trust with your Pet, so it is our hope that our Care will give Pet Owners confidence and the comfort found in the peace of mind knowing your pet is being well taken Care of while you’re away.